Gahanna Sedation Dentistry | Sedation Dentist

Two girls standing back to back and smiling

If you've been putting off dental work for years out of fear of pain, anxiety or embarrassment about the condition of your teeth, fear no more. Simple, safe, trusted sedation dentistry involves taking a small pill before you visit your Gahanna OH dentist.

You will stay awake throughout but have no memory of the dental work performed. You will also be able to have longer, more complex and multiple dental procedures without the usual discomfort. Imagine simply taking a pill and having a comfortable, positive dental experience with multiple dental procedures completed in just one or two visits. That's what we deliver.

Sedation dentistry is a safe, effective option for most dental patients. You can walk into the office with unsightly metal fillings, chipped, broken, stained or gapped teeth and walk out with the smile you've always wanted. While also having enjoyed the most soothing, comfortable dental experience of your life in the process.

To learn more or to request an appointment, please contact us here or call our office directly at (614) 475-7580.


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